Thursday, April 2, 2009

Harold Lloyd Los Angeles Film Locations

Harold Lloyd - Downtown Los Angeles
Here is an excellent video that features many Los Angeles filming locations used by silent film comedian Harold Lloyd. Historian and author Annette Lloyd takes us around LA and shows the locations how they appeared in Lloyd's films and how they look today. I think my favorite part is seeing the palm tree lined street when they were just baby palms and today the trees just tower over the street!


  1. whuaaaaa! i cant see the film. it doesn't come up on my compy.. what does a girl do??? :( help me cutie!

  2. Awesome Post Rob,
    Love the Lloyd video clips; he really did some amazing things. Is Annette Lloyd a relative?

  3. Fascinating! This makes me want to watch a good Harold Lloyd film.

  4. Thanks Rob-- this vid is positively splendiferous! I *knew* that Girl Shy chase scene must have been on Broadway, and now I know where! She even used the Robert Israel music from the Lloyd films--tooo cool.

    Annette Lloyd, I salute you! (And envy your occupation as a Harold Lloyd scholar ...)
